The 50+50 Campaign for ASECS celebrates the first 50 years of the Society by building our present research, travel, and prize endowments. It also makes a commitment to the next 50 years of supporting eighteenth-century studies by raising funds for new initiatives. These new goals and programs will be identified through extensive consultation with the membership.

Your contribution can shape the future of the organization as well as sustain the work begun during the Society's first half-century. Please consider making a gift to ASECS in support of our primary mission: to advance the study and teaching of the eighteenth century and encourage scholarly work that crosses the boundaries between academic disciplines. 

Endowed and other funds enable members to travel to special collections and research libraries, recognize achievements in scholarship and teaching, and support the participation of graduate students and contingent faculty in the Annual Meeting.  Other funds underwrite arts programming at the Annual Meeting, such as a production of Marivaux's The Triumph of Love planned for 2020 in St. Louis and pay for special projects for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

These programs are not funded through membership dues. They are made possible by the additional generosity of our members, past and present, as well as that of foundations and grant-making institutions.

Please help to secure the next 50 years of eighteenth-century studies by contributing to the 50+50 Campaign for ASECS by making a donation to one or more of the funds listed below.  For information on the goals of individual funds, visit  You may use your credit card to donate through our secure server (below) or mail a check/money order (payable to ASECS) to: ASECS, 1300 Elmwood Avenue, KH213, Buffalo, NY 14222.  Please be sure to note the fund(s) you wish to support.

For information on Sponsor a Student or the Shirley Bill Fund Honoring Teachers, please contact the ASECS Business Office at

The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is recognized by the IRS as a not-for-profit 501c3 charitable organization. Your monetary donation to ASECS is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Give One-Time
25 USD
50 USD
100 USD
500 USD
1000 USD